modulef99 for MS Windows 98




Here you can download full Modulef99 compiled library. It’s size is about 71 MB. Modulef proccessors are in folder modulef99/win/sta/bin. Don’t’t forget to install GKS library !!! if you plan to use graphics.





Since 12.november 1999 there ware approximately 30-40 downloads per months of MODULEF  from this site. During that period there ware several reports that GKS doesn’t work well, especially on Windows NT. Namely there ware problems with GTX function which does not produce any text output. Because of that I decide to reprogram GKS to support QuickWin application programs.  In this way Modulef processors are now running as QuickWin application programs.


You can download qwmake file that build MODULEF on your computer. To do that you:

1.      Download MODULEF source code from here  (note that you must accept license agreement before downloading !!!!) and unzip it into c:/modulef99 folder

2.      Unzip QWMAKE to Modulef99 folder (qwmake contains, qwmake.exe program, Win98 interface programs and the ‘src’ folder  where corrected MODULEF subroutines can be found).

3.      Download GKS library from this site and install it !!!!.

4.      Run qwmake program (building it can take about one hour so be patient and do not interrupt process).

5.       Add path C:/MODULEF99/WIN/STA/BIN to PATH environment  variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file

6.      You can now run test examples from ascii/sta/s/tesd folder   (see guide 1).

You will find the user guide at MODULEF Homepage or you can download part of documentation as MS Word (converted from INRIA html pages) document from here.


1.      You will found MODULEF  processors in MODULEF99/WIN/STA/BIN folder.  All these programs are QuickWin Application programs. Libraries are in the MODULEF99/WIN/STA/LIB folder.

2.      In interactive programs (emc2, trnoxx) use SPACEBAR as mouse click !!!

3.      You can use Windows EMF or Postscript workstation to obtain softcopy of a picture. A pictures created are stored  to files named GKSxxx.EMF or GKSxxx.PS where xxx are numbers 001,002,… into your working directory. Note that PS file contaion one blank page ( I don’t know why).

4.      The pp_ prefix are omited from pre- and post- processor names. 




In 1999 INRIA put their huge FE library  MODULEF  into freeware domain (IFER). With some minor modifications of source code and  adding some new utility code (for MS Windows 98) I have successfully built  all MODULEF libraries, almost all MODULEF processors (except TOUTXX) and tests by using Digital Visual FORTRAN V6.1 and RALGKS  as graphics driver. 


You can download winmake file and try to build MODULEF on your computer. To do that you :

7.      Download MODULEF source code and unzip it

8.      Unzip WINMAKE to Modulef99 folder (winmake contains a complete RALGKS Library, winmake.exe program, Win98 interface programs and the ‘src’ folder  where corrected MODULEF subroutines can be found).

9.      Run winmake program (building it can take about one hour so be patient and do not interrupt proccess).

10.   Add path C:/MODULEF99/WIN/STA/BIN to PATH environment  variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file

11.  You can now run test examples from ascii/sta/s/tesd folder   (see guide 1).

You will find the user guide at MODULEF Homepage or you can download part of documentation as MS Word (converted from INRIA html pages) document from here.


5.      You will found MODULEF  processors in MODULEF99/WIN/STA/BIN folder. All pre- and post- processor names begin with PP_ ,  so call e.g. APNOXX as PP_APNOXX. Also note that test  programs begin with TT_.  All these programs are Console Application programs. Libraries are in the MODULEF99/WIN/STA/LIB folder.

6.      When you call graphics postprocessors follow the instructions  from guide 6 part II.  ‘Hardcopy’ i.e. Windows Metafile  pictures are saved to files GKS3803_x.EMF where x is 0,1,… in your working directory. Rename your pictures if you want to keep them because they will be overwriten without warning in a next run.

7.      I think that original window size for EMC2 program is 1024x768.   So image in this installation is distorted. Also EMC2 sometimes higns up.

8.      This installation  works also  with Digital Visual FORTRAN V5.0 a .

9.      I have tested this installation on a PC Pentium II 450 MHz computer, and on a PC Pentium II 233 MHz computer. Complete installation occupies about 120 MB of disc space.

10.  If you want to rebuild some libraries or programs just delete them and run winmake again. Only the missing libraries and programs will be rebuild.

NEW !!!


You can download exe version of EMC2 from here. It is QuickWin version and does not need any other file to run. Note that you better store your mesh data with .msh option.



Milan Batista

University of  Ljubljana

Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport

Portoroz, Slovenia


mailto:[email protected]





Here are some EMF pictures from tests examples that was produced by GKS Enhanced Windows Metafile driver.









Mesh produced by EMC2